Development of the Paperless Diploma Application Form inspires the new 3dw Tools Form Content Display Wizard

I was working on a way to break up page content and display it in user friendly chunks. Very similar to the Jquery Form Wizard plugin, but hopefully a lot easier to use. After years of making forms into applications, I have come up with  an algorithm to plug into any form or content that will transform it into a paperless web application with the following features:

  • To a developers point of view the best thing is Automation!
  • Content organized and displayed to the user in an easy to navigate style.
  • Client side validation for form elements when and where needed.
  • Form summary and easy ability to make changes before submit.
  • Takes care of form data submission using Ajax to hand the data on a silver platter to any api.

Here are the notes to myself while developing.

Hiding and Displaying content

The first decision is how to break up the content chunks. Well, a div with an id of “step_xxx” seems like a good idea. XXX should be a detailed way to identify the content such as “step_intro” “step_personal_info”. I will put these divs on the page in the correct order that they would be accessed, with the exception of where the paths branch off.

So now I have my content set up in chunks that I can select and identify using JavaScript. I am going to use JQuery because of it’s powerful selection abilities. One little bit of code gives me the selection I need…

$('div[id^="step_"]').hide(); // select and hide all divs with id containing "step_" in the id.

Well this is a good start, but now I need to determine how many steps are in my display, create an index or table of contents, and then step the user through them as needed.

Creating a table of contents

My initial selector from above gives me the power to do more than just show/hide the elements that are selected. By turning this selection into a list, I can come up with a table of contents for my users to know exactly what kind of huge form they are about to fill out. Give them a chance to chicken out :)

I have created a function to list this table of contents:

function createTableofContents(){
$("#step_intro").append("<p>Step:"+thesteps[i].id+" || Find a way to put the contents of the first child element here as description text</p>");

But its rough. We need to put the toc into a container styled to display in a sidebar list view. Lets check the dom for the existence of id tableofcontents, create it if its not there, then append the steps array. This would allow to drop into any form, yet give advanced users the ability to make a custom view to display the toc.

Now I need a way to give these steps a description that would mean something to the user, since they probably don’t care about “step_step1a”. Referring to my previous post on using custom attributes, I feel like this would be a good place to use them. I don’t want to put it as a title , because the elements inside the div will need to have their own titles. I am going to give each step an attribute of stepdesc and assign it a value that would be a good description of the step.

Now when the page loads, the huge amount of content is hidden , and the user is presented with a wizard to guide them through the steps, and even a table of contents so they know where they are in the wizard.

Moving through the wizard steps

I need to look for existing elements named : “stepDownButton” and “stepUpButton” . If they are not there, then create them. If they are there, then leave it alone. This will allow for a button to be put in place where user needs a branch off the linear path. If the content is on a linear path, the plug in will create all the buttons to step through the content. In the first step, make a special button to “begin”. in the second to last step make the “next”  button into a  “submit” button instead.

*** is it possible to add the abilty to hit enter and have it click the next button.? lets try it soon.

Validating User Input

Now I need to provide a means of validation for each step that has a required field. I will make a function to call for each step, check whether there is a required element, and validate if needed. I would like to pass this off to the jquyer validaton plugin. Need to work on this though, cause its called a little differently than I had setup for. They add an attribute of required to the element rather than a class. Also having trouble to plug in the validator to my plug in lol.

function validateIt(whatstep){    objectstovalidate = $("#"+whatstep+"  .required");    if(objectstovalidate.length>0){    alert('validate step: '+whatstep + ' ' +objectstovalidate.length);    }   } //end validator function.

This works good on the select and the inputs, but radio buttons are always a pain in the ass. Good thing I have my previous post on working with checkboxes and radio buttons to refer to.  I don’t want to add the additional code to loop through these, and figure out what value would be required, then have to alter my validator function. I am going to use a hidden text field, make it required, and put the value of the chosen radio button into it. That should enforce validation on choosing a radio button.

******** its working ok, but then there is a duplicate field in the form summary: Commencement Attendance Option : mtvernoncampus<– from the radio button choice. Commencement Attendance Option Choice : mtvernoncampus<– from the hidden text field.

I’m going to need a better way to validate a group of radio buttons if  this plug in will work everywhere easily.*************

$("input[type='radio'][name='commencementattendanceoption']").on("change", function(){
				alert($( this ).val())

Dynamic fields and validation.

I want to make a reusable code to add a dynamic field with validation. I need to add text box to allow user to attach transcripts.

I will pass the step  id into a function to create the dynamic fields in the container. with validation and ability to delete the addl field and its validation.

form summary

A major goal is to provide a solution for the summary and display of user’s data before form submission, so they may go back and correct any errors.
In the second to last step, the plugin will set the the “NEXT” button onclick to stepUp(‘submit’);  The plugin will add a summary of the data the user entered so they may go back and make any changes. You may choose a custom display of the summary by putting an element with id “formsummaryarea” into this step. The plugin will omit any empty or hidden fields from the summary, and you can put class “nosummary” to omit any other items from the summary.

It seems that i need to modify the summary when it displays the contents of a dropdown element, it needs to display the text rather than the value. For example, the dropdown for choose degree, the values are numeric, and the display is a text string. For the summary, telling the user that they chose document 10 is pointless, they need to confirm the text name of the doc that they chose.


thesummary=thesummary+”<br />” + ” : “+  $(“[name='””‘] :selected”).html();


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