AR Art Overlay Prototype

Using AR to bring an art piece to life has rapidly turned into an active and exciting art genre. I was contacted by an artist looking for new ways to share their art with the world. They asked if I would be able to prototype an AR app that will take their finished art pieces and make it deeper by adding audio, animations, and information to the existing piece. I decided to create a prototype to help determine the feasibility of this idea.

I chose my cyber warrior ai art piece

I then enhance it with special FX, artist information, and audio.

Here is a video of the final presentation. The artist is very interested in moving forward with some exciting new projects.

Skills demonstrated in this prototype:

  • AR Development
  • Develop AR experiences that use trackable targets in the environment
  • Build AR projects to mobile devices
  • Create basic application interactions with Visual Scripting
  • AR Design
  • Research future AR use cases to prepare for developing new kinds of applications
  • Evaluate platform capabilities and limitations in order to determine whether or not a given feature will work.